Indian Food Took Over My Life
From 2:30 on today all I thought about was Indian food. But the restaurant I really wanted to get it from didn't open until 5. My solution? Take a nap until 5. I'm not saying this was an appropriate course of action, but it really made the time go by quickly! The only problem is that once the food finally arrived and we gorged on it, I simply could not stop eating. This overeating of the most delicious Indian food in the city has rendered me near paralyzed on the big white chair in front of the TV.
Once after getting take out from this particular restaurant I was so happily full and sleepy that my brother and I almost missed a Bruce Springsteen concert. We had to debate the merits of going. Bruce Springsteen! This food is that diabolically good. So this post has basically been hijacked by Indian food. Delicious, delicious Indian food.
This poster represents how I am feeling right now. Like Vinod Khanna my eyes stare straight ahead, unblinking, slightly glazed. But happy.
yes yes yes indian food