In a previously unheard of act, I am actually posting twice in one day. I'm just all jazzed up about the end of Lost today. Will all my questions be answered? Am I ready for the answers? What mysterious and mind-bending show will I watch now? I could say where I got this poster below from, or in the spirit of Lost I think I'll just keep you guessing for 6 years.Oh Lost, I miss you already.
In my efforts to stop being such a pleb about film I have begun my imposed regiment of watching the 100 essential films that I am currently researching. I began yesterday with The Battleship Potemkin. While at times I had to force myself to pay attention, the Odessa steps scenes really were pretty impressive. I don't really have much to say other than that. ps. clever film reference title no? you bet.
I have always admitted to not knowing much about films. It's just never been my realm of interest. I'm researching for a film festival project right now, and am realizing how little I know about film. Of a list of 100 greats, I have maybe seen 10. Strangely though, I do actually own the film The Battleship Potemkin. I'm not saying I watched more than 15 minutes of it, but surely that must count for something.
For the past few days I have been doing a ton of research on movie title/end credits and typography, and just learning a lot about these movies that the rest of the world loves but I am completely in the dark about. I must have looked at hundreds of title stills today alone. Having little to no knowledge of what the films are about, here are some title stills that I really like the look of. Taken at complete face value.
Everything about this ad offends me to my core. I came across it when I was looking for examples of depressing graphic design, as in well designed pieces that were sad, and saw this. Truly depressing.
So Perfume are really popular in Japan. And all I have to say is this song is catchy as hell. J-Pop is kind of super awesome. J-Pop being what Japanese pop music is called. I have no idea what this song is about, but I'm loving it regardless.
I was looking for vintage maps of Toronto for some research, and re-discovered my love for The Canadian Design Resource. A really amazing site that compiles examples of Canadian design from the turn of the century to present day. Here are some the works that caught my eye today.
On Friday I went to a Letterpress printer with my boss and touched every piece of paper I could get my hands on. It was such a cool shop, run by good people, and I really got a sense of the history of letterpress and how the actual process works. The current project I'm working on is going to be such a range of print finishes I can't wait to see it. We've got supergloss, matte vinyl foil, letterpress printing, and gorgeous duplex paper in one card. It's going to be swell. I am so in love with letterpress lately that I have decided to completely re-do my own branding.
I also am infatuated with all the gorgeous letterpress work on Paper Lovely. So delicate and whimsical and beautiful. I think the letterpress recipe cards would be such a lovely thing to have. Ha, but then I remember how I don't cook beyond my 5 staple recipes and those cards would be blank forever! Well regardless, I am really enjoying detailed, crafted, and feminine design these days.