Saturday, May 1, 2010

Lovely Letterpress

On Friday I went to a Letterpress printer with my boss and touched every piece of paper I could get my hands on. It was such a cool shop, run by good people, and I really got a sense of the history of letterpress and how the actual process works. The current project I'm working on is going to be such a range of print finishes I can't wait to see it. We've got supergloss, matte vinyl foil, letterpress printing, and gorgeous duplex paper in one card. It's going to be swell. I am so in love with letterpress lately that I have decided to completely re-do my own branding.

I also am infatuated with all the gorgeous letterpress work on Paper Lovely. So delicate and whimsical and beautiful. I think the letterpress recipe cards would be such a lovely thing to have. Ha, but then I remember how I don't cook beyond my 5 staple recipes and those cards would be blank forever! Well regardless, I am really enjoying detailed, crafted, and feminine design these days.

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